a homeschool mom who lives a dream life

dreamgirl: 1) a girl who lives a dream life 2) a girl who dreams big

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Still love living here, just in case you were wondering. It's still beautiful, it's still warm...and we went to Disneyland twice last week.... This week we're going to try the LA zoo.

Tried a homeschool group last week at the park and...met some of the people that give homeschool such a bad name. You know the kind...Harry Potter is evil...must be with my child 24/7 to protect them from the big bad world. Good grief. Their poor kids. I'm confident they thought I was the freak because of course I couldn't keep my mouth shut, and I offended at least one person, made one apology, and possibly offended others. I have a really hard time with others paranoia and ignorance. Come to think of it, I have a hard time when I'm paranoid and ignorant. Anyway, then I have an even harder time with keeping my opinions to myself, so really, I'm probably in the category of people that give homeschooling a bad name too. Sigh.

Steve and I are good. He came to Disneyland with us on Friday. Or rather, we went with him and two of his brothers, and their families. It was wild, but it was great. He was very patient with us four temperamental women who were tired and cranky by the end of the night. I think he is pretty amazing to give us a try. We're a lot of estrogen.

Back to the title of this post...Schedule...Ugh... The word schedule is difficult for me. I love being spontaneous, I love doing what I want, I kind of love the eat drink and be merry philosophy without the drinking part. BUT, it is not the Lord's plan, it is not the best for me or my family and I MUST fight my natural man. I absolutely MUST learn to get up at the same time every day and teach my children this very important life skill. So we're starting a new schedule tomorrow. We had a long family council on it. It will probably need some revamping, but I'm hoping it's a good rough draft. We really need help, all 4 of us. What I would really love is a personal assistant. Wouldn't that be nice? Someone to wake me up. Someone to hang up my phone and yell at me to get busy. I think I could really thrive in that environment.

My girls are great. The same. They love to write and draw, sing and dance, play barbies and pollies. That pretty much sums up their lives. They've been getting along really good lately. We're going to start cooking lessons tomorrow. Part of our new schedule. I'm going to teach them how to make muffins and how to use the wheat grinder. I figure I need some help in the kitchen. I mean really...I was baking cheesecakes when I was Aliese's age.

My apartment is so much better than the one we had in Shelley. I swear the walls and ceilings have some sound proof barrier, or my neighbors don't move, listen to music or flush their toilets. We could hear everything at our last place. We hear nothing at this apartment. It's wonderful. It's also very pretty. Lizzie came up on Saturday and we swam in the pool. That was way fun.

I'm tired. Feels like a boring post. Oh well.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yes, I'm a Dreamgirl

What is a dreamgirl exactly? That is a question with many possible answers. I would like to answer it for you. I am living in southern California. I have a great apartment and live one hour from my kindred spirit Lizzie, and one hour from my very hot boyfriend Steve (yes, even a 51 year old can be hot), one hour from the happiest place on earth (Disneyland), one hour from the beach and 10 minutes from the temple. I'm living in the lap of luxury on alimony and child support for a year and a month longer. I have 3 gorgeous girls who think I'm pretty great. I'm only 34 and have my whole life in front of me. I live a dreamy life. I also have big dreams. Big, big dreams. My dreams don't have solid lines around them, and seem to change often. But that's why they are dreams and not goals. I've always been a dreamer. My dreaming days took a break last year, but they are back. I'm very happy. I'm living the dream. I'm a California Dreamgirl.

As of this morning I've lost 33 pounds. I had my first gain a week ago, have lost that, and am back on the weight loss train again. My favorite new hobby. I call myself Zeena the warrioress. I bench press, I squat with 55 pounds on my back, I can do tons of lunges with weight, and then there's my claim to fame--I do boy push ups. Lots of them. Amy posted I did 40. Well...that was in three sets. All within 10 minutes, but still in three sets. Normally I do one set. This morning I did 28, in a row, no stopping. My size 10s fit perfect now. They aren't tight, and I even have a pair of 10 jeans. I bet one more month, and I'll be in an 8. Totally crazy and surreal.

I love California. It is so much prettier than Idaho. So much more green, so many more trees, and tons and tons of flowers. The sky is blue, the sun is bright, and I actually live here. No more visiting CA. Just living instead. Living and thriving as a dreamgirl.