a homeschool mom who lives a dream life

dreamgirl: 1) a girl who lives a dream life 2) a girl who dreams big

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Still love living here, just in case you were wondering. It's still beautiful, it's still warm...and we went to Disneyland twice last week.... This week we're going to try the LA zoo.

Tried a homeschool group last week at the park and...met some of the people that give homeschool such a bad name. You know the kind...Harry Potter is evil...must be with my child 24/7 to protect them from the big bad world. Good grief. Their poor kids. I'm confident they thought I was the freak because of course I couldn't keep my mouth shut, and I offended at least one person, made one apology, and possibly offended others. I have a really hard time with others paranoia and ignorance. Come to think of it, I have a hard time when I'm paranoid and ignorant. Anyway, then I have an even harder time with keeping my opinions to myself, so really, I'm probably in the category of people that give homeschooling a bad name too. Sigh.

Steve and I are good. He came to Disneyland with us on Friday. Or rather, we went with him and two of his brothers, and their families. It was wild, but it was great. He was very patient with us four temperamental women who were tired and cranky by the end of the night. I think he is pretty amazing to give us a try. We're a lot of estrogen.

Back to the title of this post...Schedule...Ugh... The word schedule is difficult for me. I love being spontaneous, I love doing what I want, I kind of love the eat drink and be merry philosophy without the drinking part. BUT, it is not the Lord's plan, it is not the best for me or my family and I MUST fight my natural man. I absolutely MUST learn to get up at the same time every day and teach my children this very important life skill. So we're starting a new schedule tomorrow. We had a long family council on it. It will probably need some revamping, but I'm hoping it's a good rough draft. We really need help, all 4 of us. What I would really love is a personal assistant. Wouldn't that be nice? Someone to wake me up. Someone to hang up my phone and yell at me to get busy. I think I could really thrive in that environment.

My girls are great. The same. They love to write and draw, sing and dance, play barbies and pollies. That pretty much sums up their lives. They've been getting along really good lately. We're going to start cooking lessons tomorrow. Part of our new schedule. I'm going to teach them how to make muffins and how to use the wheat grinder. I figure I need some help in the kitchen. I mean really...I was baking cheesecakes when I was Aliese's age.

My apartment is so much better than the one we had in Shelley. I swear the walls and ceilings have some sound proof barrier, or my neighbors don't move, listen to music or flush their toilets. We could hear everything at our last place. We hear nothing at this apartment. It's wonderful. It's also very pretty. Lizzie came up on Saturday and we swam in the pool. That was way fun.

I'm tired. Feels like a boring post. Oh well.


  1. I would love to be your assistant. I think I'd be really good at it. Remember Gilmore GIrls, when Paris has a life coach with her at college? I could be your life coach! ha. schedule- that's great- I don't really like schedules either. I just have a list of things I like to get done before mike gets home- as far as when they get done..... as long as it's before he gets home. waking up- going to bed- yowsa. I tried, but I'm just going to wait for school to start to force me to get up in the morning and be tired at night. cooking lessons- that is wonderful! such a great thing for them to learn, and it will help out for making dinner too! love you!

  2. Oh my gosh the homeschool people. How disappointing! Ummmm scheduling...unfortunately, I have barely ANY spontaneity running through me. I wish I did....like- that cabin trip I posted about, it was SO LAST minute. Like...decided at 1:00pm and left at 5:00pm- I was STRESSED OUT OF MY MIND! I think my sanity can only stay in tact when I am on a schedule. If I don't have schedules in my life then I feel lost. I hope the new schedule works for you!!! I think that is GREAT you are giving the girls cooking lessons! Sounds wonderful. I'm so glad your apartment is so great. Thanks for your nice comments on my blogs...they make me feel good. Love you!!!!!!

  3. Just love you. :D I hate schedules too. If I'm being honest, I would admit that setting my own less-rigid schedule played at least 60% into my homeschool decision. It's going great, by the way. Thanks for the encouragement. It helped me more than you know. Glad you're happy, Dreamgirl. That's exactly right. :)

  4. People are so different. I do SO MUCH BETTER with schedule. I like having flexibility for sure, but if I don't have a routine, I get really depressed. Glad everything's good with Steve. I don't see that changing. You may be a lot of estrogen, but that comes with a lot of good stuff too. I mean, would testosterone be so much better? They all have their pluses and minuses. As for homeschool people, that is funny. I wouldn't say you give homeschool a bad name, you're not doing it for those reasons. I thought that was funny and sad that they're so protective. Oh well. Don't worry about offending people. In reality, people choose to be offended. They don't have to be. And everyone puts their foot in their mouth, so forgive yourself. It happens to all of us. I'm glad you're blogging again! Love you!

  5. great blog! How did the cooking lessons go? I am glad you are ready to attack a schedule. Just remember schedules have to have flexibility. Certain things have to be rock solid, the others are negotiable. The mouth.... yes we all have a hard time with that sometimes! :-) I'm glad everything is going so well. I miss you all, I don't like the long times in between, but it has been crazy in my life for a while(understatement) so it feels good not to be going anywehere far away. Love and miss you!

  6. California girl... love it!
    I'm taking on big ole Texas ~ just finalized and moved into our home.
    So happy to find you doing well and happy in Cali!

  7. Miss you. Love you. Love the new green look. Very modern of you. I am laughing at the last sentence I wrote. It was very Dad. = )

  8. ummmmmmm Rebecca, this is just really sad. For such an eccentric, fun, loving, good-writer of a person that you are...you sure are disappointing in the blogging world! Seriously- I LOVE when you blog. You are so funny. Lets get back on it :) LOVE YOU!
